Juliet's Journal

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Current Mood:Annoyed

Yes, yes I know- what a change. Just for therapy purposes, here are my thoughts today:

-for some stupid reason I decided to try and squeeze into my old corduroys (spelling?) this morning because I was running late, resulting in extreme uncomfort throughout the day. Yo'd think since they're old, that they would be "broken-in" and comfortable pants..but noooo..did I mention I haven't been in them in about a year? Pretttttttttty much.
-STILL don't have any work to do- but I applied for two jobs yesterday, and today one of the people called (from the job I really wanted) and I have a possible interview (when she receives my application....right now it's still in HR.)
-ASL 4 isn't being offered anywhere this summer which means i'll have to wait yet another semester to take asl 4...but at least it's being offered in the fall. That's nice.
-can't figure out why I'm able to stay up so late...I was up until midnight last night simply because I didn't feel tired. Alarm went off at 6 this morning....actually got up at 6:30...running a little behind to work.....so yeah, I can't sleep until around 11pm, but that means I only get about 6 hours of sleep which isn't enough. Ironic.
-Want to lose 15 pounds and get back to what I weighed a little over a year ago...don't know how I gained so much weight so fast...MUST GO BACK TO GYM!
-plan to go back to gym tonight...even if it's only for 20 minutes. At least that's something.
-I guess I'm done whining now.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Blah Day

Yeah..if you can't tell, life isn't too exciting right now. I'm getting along great with my sweetheart and everything. in fact, our 1 year anniversary is coming up in a week. Oh yeah, did I mention that we're back together..I know what you're thinking...on again...off again....on again....off again........well, I guess that's how love goes sometimes. It takes alot of work. =) ..

But work is blah right now....and for some reason I'm really tired lately. I'm not able to get enough sleep. I went to bed at around 9:30 the other night and I couldn't sleep until around 11. Then again, Daylight Savings Time didn't help at all..=)

Anyway, I'm currently in the process of looking for a new position in my office, one that is actually challenging. I haven't really learned a lot in my position that I'm in right now, and it's honest making me really bored.

Not much else to say. I went out swing dancing at Club 21 again last night....that was fun, except there weren't too many guys to dance with there. So I left early around 10 and went home to sleep.

More later......