Juliet's Journal

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Current Mood:Annoyed

Yes, yes I know- what a change. Just for therapy purposes, here are my thoughts today:

-for some stupid reason I decided to try and squeeze into my old corduroys (spelling?) this morning because I was running late, resulting in extreme uncomfort throughout the day. Yo'd think since they're old, that they would be "broken-in" and comfortable pants..but noooo..did I mention I haven't been in them in about a year? Pretttttttttty much.
-STILL don't have any work to do- but I applied for two jobs yesterday, and today one of the people called (from the job I really wanted) and I have a possible interview (when she receives my application....right now it's still in HR.)
-ASL 4 isn't being offered anywhere this summer which means i'll have to wait yet another semester to take asl 4...but at least it's being offered in the fall. That's nice.
-can't figure out why I'm able to stay up so late...I was up until midnight last night simply because I didn't feel tired. Alarm went off at 6 this morning....actually got up at 6:30...running a little behind to work.....so yeah, I can't sleep until around 11pm, but that means I only get about 6 hours of sleep which isn't enough. Ironic.
-Want to lose 15 pounds and get back to what I weighed a little over a year ago...don't know how I gained so much weight so fast...MUST GO BACK TO GYM!
-plan to go back to gym tonight...even if it's only for 20 minutes. At least that's something.
-I guess I'm done whining now.


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