Juliet's Journal

Friday, March 10, 2006

Well..life is pretty much the same. I'm just busy busy busy! I'm glad it's Friday....I get to finally sleep in tomorrow morning. Then it's off shopping with Mom and then visiting Nikki's baby. =) Her name is Emily and she's just the cutest thing!!! Can't hold her long enough...anyway, it's 3:30 p.m. now and I'm about to get off work in a half hour. Right now, if I lay down, I could probably sleep for a good 3 hours. I don't know what's going on lately, but I haven't been getting a lot of sleep...I think I mentioned that in my last post. I can't seem to turn my brain off when I go to sleep. Maybe I should try tea...hot tea always makes me tired, so maybe it would work for trying to go to sleep. Hmm....

Still wanting to get back in school. This break is nice, but I love school. I guess I'm one of those few people who actually like learning and like going to class. I plan on taking ASL 4 next semester (maybe this summer if it's offered!) and then maybe a Psych class or a Sociology class along with an art history class in the fall..I'm hoping to take maybe 3 classes in the fall. That would be nice....I'm finally going to go to CSUS (Sac State university). I have been waiting to go there for a year now....

Well, I'm going to wrap this up. TTYL



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