Juliet's Journal

Monday, February 06, 2006

Comfy Cozy

Well, I'm all moved in!!! :-) I spent the whole weekend moving everything into my cute little place. I forgot how expensive moving can be!!! I must have bought out Target over the weekend...lol. They have such great deals there...okay anywho, what else is new....not too much. I'm still not in school and loving every second of it. It's so nice to just go home and relax without having to think "do I have homework??". Really takes a lot of stress off your shoulders.

I'm really looking forward to Valentine's Day. My boyfriend and I are celebrating it on the 11th instead of the 14th because the 11th is a Saturday and the 14th is a Tuesday. We're getting all dressed up and going out to a really fancy restaurant. I bought a new little black dress (sooo gorgeous!) and some gold heels. We haven't gotten dressed up and gone out to dinner since....well, ever. I mean, sure we've got out to a nice restaurant, but nothing this fancy. I got him a really nice watch for Valentine's Day, but I'm not sure what he's getting me. I'm guessing perfume. The watch is silver; he mentioned he wanted it to go with something he would wear to work. So, it should be perfect!

It drives me nuts when you have just ended an argument with someone, but you yourself can't quite get it out of your head. It wasn't really a big deal to me, but then it was, but then it wasn't. It's like I couldn't make up my mind if I was mad or not. I just didn't want "give in" so the argument would be over. Blah...maybe I'm thinking too much about it. Or, it could be the fact that I only have about 5 hours of sleep to get me through today. I was up until midnight last night moving things around and unpacking boxes in my place. And then, I sunk into my new 350 thread count gorgeous red sheets and silky duvet and fell asleep....until my boyfriend called at 12:30..lol, that was interesting. My new house phone has a really loud ringer and it startled me awake..haha. That was fun...

Well, guess I'm pretty much blabbing now. Can't wait to get back home and start working on my house!( course, that's after my swing dance lessons tonight..whoo hoo!)



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