Juliet's Journal

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Boring Day

Well, here I sit again at work with nothing to do. This week has been pretty uneventful. I would love to go home and sleep now, but I have another hour until I get off of work. It's alllllllllllllmost Friday!!! Which means 1) Casual Friday at work, 2) can stay up later than normal because there's no work the next day, and 3) sleep in the next day! Sounds pretty good to me.

Well, I honestly don't have anything else to write about...I guess that's it. Signing off for now.



  • At 9:16 AM, February 10, 2006 , Blogger Bipolarette said...

    Honestly, I could not even begin to do it justice. It was a very good episode in a season of not so hot ones. Below I have cut and pasted the recap from Television Without Pity. They will post a very very detailed recap probably today or tomorrow. If you have not discovered them I would caution you that they are highly addictive and without a doubt the best time waster on the net. You can link there from my blog. Also check out the other website Fametracker whihc I have a few different links to some of their posts as well.

    The newspaper board ousts Paris from the editor position, and Rory has to be the one to break it to her. Paris takes it all right, at first, even giving a dramatic resignation speech before getting booted. However, when the staff votes Rory in as the new editor, Paris goes for vengeance, throwing Rory out of their apartment. Logan suggests that she move in with him as a solution. Breaking my heart, Rory agrees. Michel is getting pissy about Luke doing odd jobs around the Inn. It finally comes out that Michel's just missing his time with Lorelai. She makes it up to him with red velvet cake. Rory invites Christopher to come visit her at Yale, and she has to tell him about living with Logan. The two men bond over their poor life choices and indiscriminate income. Rory asks Christopher not to tell Lorelai until she can tell her, herself, but he...tells. Because he's a ratfink. Lorelai is upset, but does all right with the news. Emily browbeats Lorelai into not only revealing her (secretly postponed) wedding date, but also inviting Luke to Friday Night Dinner. Richard gives them a huge, hilarious lecture on having their insurance coverage up to date, which includes a strong suggestion that Luke get confirmation that April is really his daughter.

    On a personal note, Emily and Richard were not snarky for once.



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