Juliet's Journal

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Blah Day

Yeah..if you can't tell, life isn't too exciting right now. I'm getting along great with my sweetheart and everything. in fact, our 1 year anniversary is coming up in a week. Oh yeah, did I mention that we're back together..I know what you're thinking...on again...off again....on again....off again........well, I guess that's how love goes sometimes. It takes alot of work. =) ..

But work is blah right now....and for some reason I'm really tired lately. I'm not able to get enough sleep. I went to bed at around 9:30 the other night and I couldn't sleep until around 11. Then again, Daylight Savings Time didn't help at all..=)

Anyway, I'm currently in the process of looking for a new position in my office, one that is actually challenging. I haven't really learned a lot in my position that I'm in right now, and it's honest making me really bored.

Not much else to say. I went out swing dancing at Club 21 again last night....that was fun, except there weren't too many guys to dance with there. So I left early around 10 and went home to sleep.

More later......


  • At 3:07 PM, April 06, 2006 , Blogger RUDY said...

    I had a blah day, too. I couldn't hold my breakfast down because of a huge college exam. Yeah, I was that nervous. And then to top it off with, I forgot my lesson plan for stat and was under prepared for my linear algebra quiz. So just know that you are not the only one out there.

    And I haven't been able to sleep good either. Of course, I've had exams and such to occupy my time from night to early morning (say around 2 am). Man, why doesn't things just get easier as you grow up? I fill like my life gets harder and harder.


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