Juliet's Journal

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Single Life....pretty good!

Well hello there..so, yeah I'm getting used to being single...and it's not half bad!!! I've got lots more free time to do things..I've got soo much on my plate now, it's insane! Let's see..I've got 2 dance classes....a crochet class...a coffee group that meets weekly...a Sign Language group...several events within the deaf community to go to...whew! =) For the first time in a long time (or ever, really) I am single. And I'm actually enjoying it!

Okay that's all for now. Have to get back to work.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Optimism- not always the best thing


I've been an optimistic person for quite a while. Thinking that it was a good quality to have, I made sure that I was optimistic in my last relationship. I always thought that we could work through things- we had great communication skills....Guess that just wasn't enough for the other person. Why did we break up? Why aren't we back together? Don't ask me....I don't know. Have NO clue. Guess optimism isn't always the best thing.