Juliet's Journal

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Silver Lining

*sigh* I must admit I'm in a better mood these days...the exact reason as to why, I haven't figured out yet. Yes, a lot of things have happened recently, and I'm still in the process of fully "getting over" them, but I think for the most part I'm doing okay.

In a wierd way, I've been viewing life a little differently. The sky seems clearer, the air smells sweeter, etc. No I'm not taking anything non-prescription..lol..I think it's just me being rid of a LOT of stress in my life. A lot of it went away when my last relationship ended. Yes, I still have feelings for that individual, but they also taught me a lesson: know who you are first, and then start a relationship I'm still figuring myself out..even the stupid stuff like "what do I like to do? where do I like to go?". I haven't thought about just "me" in a really long time. And now I have a chance and I'm going at it full force.

I'm currently at school right now, waiting for my class to start...in about an hour. Just thought I'd write something for the day.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Life.....not always able to look on the bright side of it

Well well well...I write again......2 months later. Yes, it happens to be Halloween.

Ad for pertaining to my subject, life is going...........yeah. That's about it. It's just going. Remember that person I mentioned in my July post? Well, we're not together anymore..we just broke up as a matter of fact..and I'm doing okay..to be honest. I don't know why we broke up...I know now how much of a cruel jerk he is, that's for sure. I guess it's all for the best. I just thought it was genuine, ya know? Oh well...you live and learn....and then eat chocolate.