Juliet's Journal

Friday, June 30, 2006

It's been a good 2 weeks

Hey there...yup, I'm still doing good. I'm going out dancing about 5 nights a week, I just can't get enough of it! =)

I'm about to register for Fall classes at CSUS. I'm very excited to start =) I think I'm taking 2 classes there, and then 4 at ARC.

I went out last night with M again. Had a very nice time- we watched "The Incredibles." Well, we only got halfway through it because it was getting late and I had to get up early. So the visit was short and sweet. =) Nice guy.

Not sure what I'm doing for the 4th....might go out dancing...might go to my sis's for dinner and fireworks...

That's about it. =)

Ciao for now...
