Okay, I'm totally clueless. As of 3 days ago, I had a wonderful, I have no boyfriend and I am left clueless. He won't tell me why he broke up with me, he just doesn't want to be in this relationship anymore, I guess. I'm done with guys for awhile. They're mean and hurtful and they don't care what they say to you or how much they've hurt your feelings. I know I've said that he and I are totally done before, and that failed, but I am totally done with him this time. I can't take the verbal abuse's just too much. So from now on for awhile I am a single girl. Men are just dumb!
At 2:30 PM, April 13, 2006 ,
RUDY said...
Sorry to hear, but guys are just guys...they do stupid stuff. And I'd like to say "welcome to the SF (single and female) club."
At 3:17 PM, April 13, 2006 ,
Lindy said...
Well thanks for the welcome! Yeah my blog's main theme was mostly about me and him..that's slowly changing, obviously. Yes...I've been single for 5 days now...whew...and yes, guys do really stupid stuff. I'd post the whole storya about it, but I think I'd sound pathetic..hmm...maybe it will do good writing therapy...or people would fall asleep reading it thinking "who is this weirdo Lindy?" =) Oh well..I'll think about it..
At 3:24 PM, April 13, 2006 ,
Lindy said...
I should add this: I have found the greatest thing for people who are going through a recent breakup(me): Watching different Seasons of Gilmore Girls! LOL I'm totally serious..I watched Season 4 recently, and it's hilarious. Luke and Lorelai first get cute. And yeah. Gives ya warm fuzzies. Just a little advice..GG is definate therapy! =)
At 7:58 AM, April 14, 2006 ,
RUDY said...
I'm currently rewatch season one. And it's helped me through alot, not just the loneliness, but the headaches and stress I get from my classes.
What's weird is that I watched season four, then started on season one. I don't know why, really. Season four just seems like a brighter and happier GG season, but some could argues that the case just makes it seem that way. The light greenish color just vibrates happiness. LOL!
At 5:09 PM, April 14, 2006 ,
Lindy said...
Yeah. I just started rewatching Season 5 and it's getting weird...of course I've seen it before but it's still weird. I don't like the fact that Rory is still seeing Dean, even though Dean is still technically married to Lindsay. Bothers me...oh well. I have to finish it.. =)
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