Juliet's Journal

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Gilmore Girls Therapy

Okay..so now it's day 5. And I can honestly say I'm doing alright. MUCH better than on Sunday...wanna know why? I've been immersing myself in Gilmore Girls! LOL I know you're laughing, but I just finished watching Season 4 recently, and it was sooo funny. Lorelai made me laugh sooo hard, her quick wit is definately admirable. And season 4 is when Luke and Lorelai get together and start dating, and instead of being pissed off at them cause they're happy and you're not, they're so cute you can't help but feel happy. Yeah, okay, I'm sounding funny. Eh...well...life is funny. So =P

Anywho, I'm in a "mourning period" as Sally from "When Harry Met Sally" calls it (great movie BTW, you should see it!) Prettty much..yeah. That's it.

So...I'm off to play some pool with my cousin tonight. I have no doubt that he'll kick my butt, but oh well. Never told him I wasn't a good pool player. =)


P.S. There is BTW, a gaping hole in my Gilmore Girls Seasons. I don't have Season 3. I just realized that..it's not missing, I just haven't bought it yet. I need my Season 3!!!!! I have all the other Seasons (and eagerly waiting this next one) but not Season 3. Hmm....must find a video store quickly... =)


  • At 8:12 PM, April 13, 2006 , Blogger RUDY said...

    I love season four of GG, though it's more because of Jason. Her relationship with him was so funny. That and he was weird. But the L&L season ending was the best part. It tipped me even further into my GG psychosis. And sorry to hear about season three. I'd hate it if I couldn't watch any give episode of GG at a moment's notice.


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