Juliet's Journal

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Very Boring Day

Well, as you can tell from my title, today is a pretty boring day. It's almost 10:00 a.m. and I'm sitting at work, with nothing to do (again..wow, big surprise). My boss is out sick today, 2nd day in a row. And he's basically the only person in my little almost non-existent unit who can give me work to do. So, now there's no chance of me working on anything today...and I'm here until 4:30. YAY.

I did Tae-bo yesterday..I've had the tapes for awhile and I finally started doing it again yesterday. It kicked my butt, but it felt really good afterward, getting all that exercise. I'm currently trying to lose a few pounds, so I'm sure the Tae-bo will help.

Well, now I'm off to try and not fall asleep.



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