Juliet's Journal

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Blah blah blah blah blah!

Okay...so..time for a little update. Things are going well with Austin. We've seemed to resolved a lot of the little petty problems that used to cause us to break-up right away. It's a nice feeling....things are a little more relaxed.

Okay..that was the good news. The bad news: I need to vent. I absolutely HATE my job. I can't stand it. I have no work...it's making me tired....I'm falling asleep at my desk no matter how much coffee I drink...I applied and interviewed for 2 other jobs within my building and each of those people have the nerve of not calling me back. I have called them and left them messages asking "can you please let me know either way if I got the job or not?" and it's been almost a month for one of those interviews..a MONTH! That's just insane. So..yeah. I'm pretty much stuck because there aren't any other positions like mine being offered at my job...and I want to stay in this building. There is a lot of opportunity for advancement here, and I know some people here too. ARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH this is just so frustrating. I swear, I'm going home today, and I'm taking a nap. I can't stay awake...I'm always tired....every morning I dread going to work knowing I'm just going to sit there....with nothing. And they can't like invent work for me to do, so they can't do anything about it. There is a small glimmer of hope...very small. My coworker Angela, (who isn't really my coworker anymore, she just moved across the hall) says that they hope to be hiring one of my positions in her unit soon. Angela is a really sweet girl, and that person in the position would be under her boss, Christina. I really hope that that position opens up and I get to interview. Angela says that she really thinks I would do well in that position and even that unit. She says that their environment is really laid-back (my preference) and that the unit is really closely-knit (I like that too). SOOOOOOO..yeah. We'll see how that goes.

Other than that, life is ....well..what it is. I was able to go out and play pool last night with Austin and my cousin. That was fun...I really need to practice more though.

Okay..8 minutes until I get to run out the door...better get ready to go.



  • At 10:03 PM, May 12, 2006 , Blogger RUDY said...

    Happy to hear about your great relationship, and smad to hear about your job.

  • At 7:42 AM, May 15, 2006 , Blogger Lindy said...

    Yeah I know....my relationship is going good and my job just absolutely sucks......blah. Oh well, best thing I can do now is stay awake at work. =)

    BTW, I missed the Season Finale of GG =( Can you tell me what happened? I heard it was really lame..I wish they'd show it again....

  • At 2:28 PM, May 17, 2006 , Blogger RUDY said...

    I guess by now that you have read my blog. I don't have a whole lot on the season finale, just what shook me the most. But I'm planning on rewatching it again, so if you want me to write a better post just let me know.


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