Juliet's Journal

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I had the best weekend. On Saturday, I trained for overtime at my work. I'll be receiving a bit more money now. On Sunday, I went to church, and then afterwards I hung out with Austin.

And yes.....get ready for this...I finally got on his motorcycle! He has been begging me for months to do it, that it's fun, etc. and I finally did! And boy, did I have a blast! We just went cruising around my cute little neightborhood...and then we rode to the Jazz Festival downtown. It was great! There was jazz music everywhere (I love jazz) and people were dancing, and there was food and drinks and candy and ice cream. We just walked around, and took pictures and just had a really good time. After that, we went and fed the ducks at a park near my house. =)

Then yesterday my mom's best friend flew in from Connecticut and we got to spend some time with her. Austin and I went to my parents house where she was for the time being, and we ate dinner and played cards, and ate cake for dessert. It was fun!

And now, I'm about ready to go home...yay! It's almost 4:00 p.m. and I just heard from Austin- he said that he's making me dinner tonight..ooh la la! Lindy doesn't have to cook for once!

So..yeah. That's my cool weekend. What cracks me up is that I actualyl liked riding the motorcycle. See, I'm not into the whole roller-coaster lets-go-fast type of thing. I really don't like speed, unless I'm in control of it. But riding on the back of the motorcycle, it felt so good! We would wave to other motorcyclist's that drove by, and he didn't go fast (like he promised). I actually made it up to 40 mph. Now, for my first time on a motorcycle which I was deathly afraid of, that's pretty good for me. I'm not quite ready to go on the freeway yet- it probably has something to do with a motorcycle accident I saw yesterday....creeped me out, and I realized just then how vulnerable motorcyclists are on a bike. Think of it- there's nothing surrounding them like there is on a car. Sure, they're wearing a heavy duty motorcycle jacket, and a helmet, and maybe even some foot gear, but still- they're just there. Oh well, someday I'll go on the freeway. I'm just taking it slow =)

Okay..I'm about to fall asleep. And it's 10 mins before I get off work.

Later Gator


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