Juliet's Journal

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

All about Love

*SIGH* What is it about love that makes us so stupid? We become blinded by love, seeing things that only we want to see. We try to not notice the annoying things about that person and instead replace them with the tiniest good thing. I, myself, have fallen victim to the "blindness" once before, and it only took 4 years (lol) to realize that I was indeed blinded by love..or what I thought was love anyway. To be honest, I don't think I've experienced REAL true love in a relationship. Yes, I was (currently am married, but in the middle of filing) married but the schmuck, I mean person, I was married to had no idea what love really was, and was therefore incapable of showing it. I have experienced PASSION. I have experienced LIKE. But love? Not exactly.

I am a hopeless romantic girl. I love romance. Give me flowers anytime and I'm a happy camper with a smile glued to my face for at least a day. Now you may ask, "how might you know what romance is if you feel you haven't experienced real love before?" Well, the answer is simple. I have my own version of what I think romantic love is. Yes, it involves some teddy bears and chocolate of course, but there's also something more. Something that just makes you want to spend all your time with this person, you admire them and think they're just the best thing that's happened to you. You probably have a lot in common with them, which makes the relationship even stronger and your love (or like, whichever it may be) for them grows.

I also believe in one thing very strongly..

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

-1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13)

I love that--"love never ends." It just sounds so powerful to me. The fact that love in itself can be so strong between two people that it won't ever fade away. I hope to experience that someday..to find someone who I can truly say "yes, I love you. I love you for who you are not who I want you to become." And I'll just know that I really love the person, and that they love me back. And I won't feel any hesitation. Of course, I'll definately have to work on the "love is patient" part. =) I am definately am impatient person..LOL...ask anyone who knows me. I want to know love's deepest darkest secrets. I've heard the phrase that when two people are together and one of them walks into a room the other one "lights up like a Christmas tree." I wonder what that is like? I'm sure I've experienced something like that..maybe even recently...but have I really experienced LOVE? Or is it just wanting? Maybe just a void that I want to fill? Who knows...I could be over-analyzing this whole thing as well. =)

Well, this Juliet is going to go quietly search for her Romeo..


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